terça-feira, 25 de novembro de 2008

world economy- GM, Ford, etc

Brazil's stock market called Bovespa, did a great jump yesterday, people are still scared with recent facts. It seems that at last, world is able to understand that black is black and blue is blue. Brazil is such a different country, we are socialist, we know that the government father figure will always intervein everytime we have a trouble, why? because we afford this government, daddy will never let you down cause he knows that in the end he will pay the price for having denied help. Brazilian government is acting dully in order to reverse the catastrophes. GM will never break, Ford neither, we are independent, american guys will never come here to work at the assembly line, they would have to live with a miserable salary and see what Brazilian are being put up with everyday, from the crowded buses to the robberies. Brazilians are a little scared, yes indeed, but, nevertheless, we have been through many problems since we were dicovered. We continue consuming but in a wiser way. GM and Ford will only lump to bankruptcy if they insist in providing us rabbish cars as they did. VW's image is quiet damaged, it is funny to see how a company such as VW could loose the market share like that. Recently a friend of mine told me that he would never buy a VW again...why? his two years used passat had the moitor being eaten by rust, yeah, a car that ciost him more than u$ 40.000 was rusting as a dead metal under the sea. Recently, I bought a Focus from Ford, I had a Fox by VW and let me tell you....what a difference, Ford has always been known for the confort and respect and guess what...the saying was right, the respect is present in every detail, thus, my next car will probably be a Ford, so actually, I see people that halted thepurchase of a GM because they were afraid to never find spare parts if their cars broke. People have to understand that people like me don't care too much about the company's situation, what they care about, is if their lives are at stake, if the motor won't burn the aspalt just because it didn't have enough support as it happened recently with Peugeot.

Businessmaen, enterpreneurs, please look, turn your heads to the right side, you dont have to just downsize if you want to survive, when you downsize, you are just postponing your death, look the other way, improve your quality, give respect, show it, mean it or at least, pretend you care.

To the carmakers. You have filled the streets with cars, you have been selling nearly 500 cars a day just in São Paulo, so please, understand that the situation is unbearable, I give you an advice, you could build lanes...that is right, build, buy lanes, Ford Lane, GM lane, Vw Lane, etc... then only the respective car owners would drive on the corresponding lanes. You may pretend, as I said, that you cared, and we pretend to like it.

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